

About Raihnon®
Written by Renasii

Raihnon is an enlightened energy being from the Andromeda Galaxy and is a member of the Andromeda Council of 21. Raihnon has incarnated as a human being three times. This completed his journey of experiencing and knowing human fear and love and how fear can corrupt the human mind. In turn making choices that create pain and suffering. He now returns to us as our Teacher with his innate knowledge of how we think and feel, enabling him to educate us with compassion and humour.
His Teaching is embodied in our mind’s relationship with all things including ourselves. He teaches that when we make choices motivated by fear we not only hurt ourselves but everyone and everything in our lives. That we seek power and control over others because we are afraid of being out of control. That if our minds were filled with love we would not desire this in life. The inability to see our own individual beauty motivates our insecurity and creates jealousy, envy and judgment of others. Ultimately he confronts us with the truth that we all seek, the joy and fulfilment that love brings and yet we withhold it because we are afraid of the pain of loss and rejection.
The methods by which he teaches us are taught in a format and language that is simple enough for anyone to comprehend thereby not limiting the knowledge to a select few.
Many of his students out of love and respect have entitled him Lord Raihnon and although he allows this human label he humbly reminds us that he is simply Raihnon and it is the message that is important, not his name.

Message from Raihnon®

"As you are entities of free will and create your own destiny it is our desire to educate you. To free your conscious minds from the fear and the conditioning that generations of your time have instilled, hindering the growth of humanity. To re-establish the balance of all, to reunite humanity with itself.

I want you to remember that the most powerful energy in existence is Love. When you remember this is your living force within then everything is possible. Each one of you are beautiful, intelligent creative beings and it is time for you to awaken and know this. To know the joy of life and the freedom to love beyond fear."

"There ia a magic pill....it's called love and only you can choose to swallow it"


About Renasii

Renasii is a medium, clairvoyant, oracle (full body vessel for Raihnon)& Energy Healer. Commencing in 1999 she began being trained and educated by Raihnon to be his exclusive Oracle. Her training lasted approximately two years before she was ready for Raihnon to occupy with his energy and use her body to be able to interact & teach people in their physical form of communication. It is important to note that she does not channel any other energy being, although she can communicate & does freely with other energy beings. Renasii is dedicated to Raihnon's teaching and the healing of others.



Raihnon is the most amazing Teacher, I am incredibly privileged to be a student of his. He demonstrates his out of this world standards at every lesson. He does not do the human thing and get defensive, justifying being right by making others wrong. He has an understanding of human beings that I am yet to fathom and I love that exciting adventure into the giant unknown. I admire unendingly how he does not buy into needing to impress or obtain approval, yet he is the most respectful being I have ever met, the most unconditionally loving - just being with him warms my heart and soothes my soul. What I also love is how he uses humour in the most incredible side-splitting way, it is impossible for me to stay a sad-sack! He shows me a mirror of my beliefs about myself and others as an example for me to see how silly some of them can be! I have learnt to laugh at myself and it is the greatest gift to be given. That is not to say that I have not found some of the Teachings challenging to my ego! However, it has been worth it to learn self discipline and self kindness, basically to have choice in life whether to be upset or happy, a master or a victim. The buck stops with me! Which reminds me of an acronym I thought of for ME is Magnificent Entity, because of you Raihnon. I also thought it would make a fantastic T-shirt your idea "Knock, knock! God inside!" I can just imagine a world full of a new kind of super human where instead of feeling like intrinsic ‘sinners’, we can walk through life with a solid foundation of knowing who we truly are and that this journey is a game to play. If enlightenment feels like a heavy load is lifted and just lightening up, then that is truly offered here!

Raihnon’s other surprising gift is that he has given me answers to every important question I’ve ever taken to class, whether I have actually said them out loud or not. Somehow the lesson is perfectly tailored to where I’m at right now and what I need to know right now. I walk away with realizations I needed to make me learn and grow up, to take responsibility for being the creator of my life and recognize my greatness, my power and my own godlike capacity for anything! He does not give out mere hope, he provides me with real results and experiences that I get to create for myself through applying the practices he teaches. It is the most empowering and liberating process I have ever been a part of and what makes it so magic and memorable is getting to share this journey with my husband to be and other incredible, beautiful people I have the honour of knowing because of him. Thank you for blessing me with your presence Raihnon, I am humbly your grateful student.

M.Lambert  (Sydney NSW)


Lord Raihnon's divine energy is a catalyst for those who are ready to take the journey of self knowledge.  He is the wake up call that resounds in our hearts urging the understanding of who we really are - spiritual beings with human experiences, not humans searching for a god that is distant and intangible.

Lord Raihnon exemplifies the teacher in the truest sense. His teachings are clear, concise and readily understood by those that are willing to open their hearts and minds to his enlightened wisdom and are prepared to take the challenge to face and release long held crippling fears. Through the cutting of the dead wood of conditioning, he guides us to our purpose and passion for our existence on earth at this time.

Lord Raihnon’s lessons are filled with joy, compassion and uplifting humour, as well as exercises that prepare you to take a good long hard look at yourself and what you create.  His divine gift of healing is openlyndisplayed by his great capacity to love, and I am grateful to be his student and reap the benefits of what his teachings offer.

K.T. McMullen (Sydney NSW)


Lord Raihnon’s teachings have turned my life around. I now understand so much more......I feel deeply privileged to sit in his presence. Don’t come to see Lord Raihnon unless you are prepared to have your view of reality changed! Mine has! And for the better!

The Rev Paul F. Hannaford B.A., M.B.A., D. (Vic)


"His unconditional love, along with his wonderful, warm sense of humour, is so strongly felt whilst in his presence".

Nicolee. (Sydney NSW)


"the information and the experience of being in the energy, brings knowledge and healing from within".
Louise Andersen
(Sydney. NSW)


I have had the privilege of being a student of Raihnon for the past two and a half years and have now experienced what unconditional love feels like. We believe we love but until being around  Raihnon I didn’t really know what love was all about.

The most exciting thing for me was learning "What you think is" and that we are responsible for our life, we have created it and all of the experiences in it.

I have learnt more about myself in this short time than in my 34 years here on earth. Not only has my life as a mother and partner improved but so has my work as a salesperson, I see and appreciate people in a different way.

I still have a lot of work and learning ahead of me but am up for the challenge, I am looking forward to Raihnon returning and continuing with His Great Work.

Your Devoted Student
Michelle.  (Sydney. NSW)


Renasii is an articulate, knowledgeable and sincere teacher that genuinely takes delight in her student’s progress.

Trained by Raihnon and coupled with her own vast experiences, she brings to her teachings the clarity necessary for understanding and interacting with the etheric planes.

Renasii facilitates the development of greater awareness in her students encouraging their innate abilities in a safe and caring environment.

I find her lessons inspirational, varied and enjoyable. Ample time is given to answering students’ questions and to the practice of specific techniques structured to create a clear channel to guides while enhancing and utilizing different aspects of clairvoyance.

K.T. McMullen  (Sydney NSW)

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F A Q's

The following has been written by Renasii with her views about Raihnon and includes the answers to some of the many questions that are asked in it's content.

I have been asked so many questions about Raihnon the most obvious ones wanting to know who he is and what he teaches. So I will describe him as best I can. My account of him is my personal experience and I am aware that it may not hold the same viewpoints as anyone else who has met him. I do not profess to be a great writer so will not attempt to impress you with words I cannot pronounce let alone know the meaning of. 

Raihnon takes ancient wisdom and brings it into the twenty first century. By this I mean that he breaks everything down so that it is relative to us now. Not us thousands of years of years ago. He speaks simply using words and analogies that we can understand and relate to. He has been accused of being many things by people that have come and gone over the years, ranging from a ‘clumsy’ teacher to ‘demigod’. I guess it all depends on what they expected the Teacher to be and how he should speak and behave. My view is that perhaps they were searching for something else. Perhaps an ‘Angel’ or some other mythical character to save them, or one who spoke in words that could not be understood by us with average minds. He has learnt how we relate to each other verbally and utilises this knowledge to teach us. He will say whatever ‘works’ to educate us.

So what's the education about? For his long time students I guess we would jokingly sum it up in one word. Relationships! Most of what Raihnon teaches is about our relationship with each other, ourselves and our earth (life). He teaches about our minds and takes what is complex to us and describes it to us simply. Raihnon breaks it all down for us so that we can know and understand ourselves. To have a healthy, loving relationship with ourselves means we are able to understand and reflect this in all our relationships. No he does not do it for us. In all that Raihnon teaches, he educates us how to help ourselves.

I have witnessed through my own interaction with students the positive growth they have experienced through applying what he has taught them. Those who were insecure and miserable now confident and happy. People suffering with sickness learnt how, through the power of their own mind and a healthy relationship with life, to have good health.

Raihnon says that each one of us has a unique journey in life. That there are many moments that we chosen to have, like places we will visit on a tour. Though they are undefined until we ‘get there’. What we choose to be in any moment will create the experiences we will have throughout our journey. Everything is a choice right down to our emotional responses to any experience our mind is having or creating. Raihnon teaches how to understand how we operate and why, to take responsibility for our choices. To know how to master our minds so that in turn we make loving choices for ourselves, everyone and everything that we have a relationship with in our lives.

I think if I could give any advice to someone who was coming to hear him speak for the first time I would say this. Do not decide what or how he will be. Keep an open mind. If you are skeptical and enter his presence you are likely to be even more so when you leave. If you want him to heal you and save you from your life, he will very seldom oblige. But if you open your mind and listen carefully he will teach you how to do it for yourself. He will inspire you and give you back your power, he doesn't strip you of it.

He does not represent any form of human religion, that’s not what his teaching is about. Other than he says that God is indeed all things that exist and has referred to the consciousness as the mind of God. Other than that I think the only time our religions may get a mention is when it is relevant as an analogy. So it doesn’t matter what culture or belief structure a person has. Raihnon welcomes all to learn and does not ask anyone to "give up" any thing that brings them joy. Though I must add in defining that statement it is as long as what brings you joy stimulates you to be respectful and/or loving to all people and life.

There are different lesson subjects for students to study at different levels or degree of difficulty. So there are lessons that you must have studied with Raihnon before being eligible to progress to the next and so forth. This is not uncommon to us given that our own educational institutions follow the same format for learning. Unlike our systems though, he may decide at any time that you are ready for a more difficult level of teaching and move you to a different lesson.

Raihnon teaches a multitude of subjects. Sometimes he enlightens us with stories of his existence and sometimes entertains us with recounts of his own experiences. Though subjects are sometimes repeated the way they are taught aren’t, so we never know what to expect and never get bored. He shares his humour and his love for us, he is known for being confronting with his delivery of teaching and yet he is respectful to each individual’s journey of learning. Raihnon sometimes appears to be foolish. I say appears because he definitely is not for in a breath he can alter his persona, which I believe demonstrates the mind discipline that he teaches. He also has said that he will frequently behave like us so we can relate with him without fear or a desire to worship. I know he is not ‘like us’ but I now understand that if he were to present himself as I have witnessed him, no one would learn a thing. Many would just sit there in awe with their mouths open and just as many would be afraid of the loving power of this being, the strength of mind and authority that he represents.

Raihnon is strict about the rules of being in his lesson room eg:

  • No shoes, clutter or food.
  • No one may enter under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol for lessons/events at any time.
  • At all times you are required to be respectful and considerate to other students.

The agreement to be his oracle is a full time commitment. Many people have challenged me in that I get ‘paid’ to do what I do and that what I have is a gift to be shared. Though I will not try to convince you otherwise I will say this. I have to work very hard for my so called gift which most of the time I love to do. Secondly, do you get paid for the work you do? There is no one to ‘pickup the tab’ in my existence but perhaps there is in yours. You do not have to hate your work to be deserving of adequate compensation for your efforts.

I am proud to be a student of Raihnon. He has challenged every aspect of my known mind and awakened me to the mind I have ignored. He has shown me how to understand myself and how to get to know my mind and not live in the past. To grow beyond so many fears I had gained from my life's experiences. I have experienced the extraordinary that comes with the expansion of our mind. He guided me away from a quest of power that was driven by fear and insecurity and showed me that love is the power I seek. That it’s what we all seek. He told me that I could not love what I did not know and then he exposed my mind to me and showed me how to love it. How to not judge and punish myself and to stop writing myself as the victim in my own show and to establish healthy relationships.

In understanding myself I am more understanding of others. In finding acceptance of myself I am able to respect and accept others for who they are. In knowing that I am lovable I am free to love others without fear. In saying all this, some days I just don’t get it or I can’t be bothered and he has taught me that that’s ok too. I don't strive to be perfect anymore, just to be free to love and not be afraid of the unknown is enough.

He teaches all the time that we can not focus our way to greatness. (Though there are focusing skills that he teaches us to strengthen our ability to control our mind.) That we have to get to know our own minds and understand the basic format by which they function.

My minds skills have developed into areas of knowing that I could never perceived or understood in the beginning. I never tried to expand my mind it just seemed to happen in the background whilst I was busy applying the knowledge he has taught us.

He teaches that we are like sponges absorbing teachings from many different sources. That he is not here to entertain us but to encourage us to get off the observation fence and live what we have learnt. Trouble is that until we actually start applying what we have listened to nothing changes.

Raihnon says ‘Experience gives you knowledge and knowledge is power. With power you have great responsibility.’


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Q:  I have been a student of Raihnon for a long time and have learnt many things. I now feel that it is my knowledge and I am confused as to what I may use from his teachings in my new business product. How do I know what?s ok to use and what’s not?
A:  Raihnon's teachings are intended for you to expand your own mind, for your own personal growth. The education he gives is embodied in the truth of relationships with all things. Therefore it is not about capitalizing on His teaching but what you have learnt by applying it in your life, to expand upon your own unique greatness.

Q:  I am a student of Raihnon and love what he teaches so have included some of what I learnt from his classes in a new product for my business. Am I infringing on Copyright laws?
A: If you have not acquired written permission from Manohriti you may be infringing on copyright laws. It is advisable to check by contacting Manohriti directly.


Q:  I have a great idea for my business on how I can get Raihnon’s teachings out to many through my new product. I have been studying with him for a long time and would love for more people to encounter his wisdom. I feel I am now living what he teaches and therefore have the right to include what I now know from him in my own productions. I believe I am eligible to do this. Is this so?
A:  If you were eligible to teach in Raihnon's place through any modality you would have been asked by Raihnon himself or Renasii to do this. If you love Raihnon’s teaching so much, wouldn't it be better for others to direct them to him to teach rather than teach people your interpretation?


Q:  I am currently in the middle of creating a new product for my business and am confused about what is the difference between my knowledge and Raihnon’s teachings that are subject to copyright laws. I have been a student for some time now and it’s a little confusing. Can you advise me?
A: It is all very simple really. Your knowledge is yours and Raihnon’s knowledge that he used to teach you is his. Quoting his teaching is to quote what he said to you and is not your knowledge. Your knowledge is derived from living your own experience so therefore you would be able to answer any questions and offer your own wisdom based on this truth.


My purpose is to maintain the truth and integrity of Raihnon’s Teaching’s at all times wherever humanly possible. We all believe that we are the one’s who ‘get it’, who understand exactly what he was saying. Most days we believe that we are motivated through love and not our own insecurity. We can see all too clearly the motivations of others yet how often are we blind to our own.

If you were truly living Raihnon’s Teachings then you would not be confused. You would be honorable, considerate, there would be no deception, you would be ethical in business and you would not try to ‘cash in’ on what you perceive to be a plus or validation for the brilliance of your next business move.

Many of Raihnon’s Teachings are unique and are subject to copyright laws. There are also those which are universal and have been taught by many teachers around the world. The difference is that he takes what has already been taught and expands on that knowledge. Therefore that becomes NEW teaching for us from Raihnon’s knowledge.

Your questions then would simply be whether or not you could obtain permission to use Raihnon’s Teaching in your new product etc.

So the answer is NO unless you have written permission from Manohriti.



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